I can’t believe how we adapted to abrupt changes that crept into this academic year because of the unusual Covid 19 circumstances. Yes, we tried our best and learnt new skills to manage the situation and our learning continued. We are all happy to be back and students are enthusiastic as they missed the social side of being at school.

We celebrated Book Week and Book Fair in Week 3 and students were extremely excited to participate in different activities. It was good to see them in different costumes after such a long time of home learning! We focused on the book, “Where the Wild Things Are”, written by Maurice Sendak and the students created their own wild monster.

In English, students are focusing on Exposition texts, Grammar, Reading and Comprehension strategies. In Maths, our focus is Data Representation and Interpretation.

Students looked at different types of materials in Science classes and learnt about their properties.

They have been practising cricket skills during P.E. lessons and they’ve also looked at the importance of why we need to be sun smart and how we can achieve this goal.

They created beautiful pieces of art and their art performance is terrific!

I am very thankful to all the parents for their extraordinary support during home learning.

Please remember to do home reading every night with your child and sign the yellow reading diary. Ensure that your child is completing assigned Reading Eggs and Mathletics tasks every week.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Mrs. Amninder Malhi
Year 2 Teacher